New Build Inspections & Snagging Reports in Kent

The Inspection Process

Below is a comprehensive list of items we check during our inspection of your new home.

We will produce a snagging report within 24 hours of the inspection for you to issue to your developer. The inspection will cover all the items mentioned below but no intrusive work will be carried out during the inspection to inspect areas that are not easily accessible.

Trust in our expertise and enjoy a snag-free home ownership journey.

Building Fabric & External Areas

Brick Work

External Paintwork & Cladding

External Drainage

Garages & Car Ports

Drives & Pathways

Garden Areas

Walls, Fences and Gates

The Roof

"Really happy with our home survey that Steve carried out for us!

"Very professional and a thorough report issued. Would definitely recommend. 5 star!"

Lucy. B, Dover

Internal Areas

External Windows & Doors

Airing Cupboard

Heating & Electrical

Floors & Skirts


Bathrooms & Kitchens

Internal Door Sets

Loft Space


Ready to enjoy a defect-free home?

Get in touch with Your New Home Inspector today.